
Verdrag tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van de Nederlandse Antillen, en de Regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika inzake de uitwisseling van gegevens met betrekking tot belastingen

Geldig vanaf 4 november 2014
Geldig vanaf 4 november 2014

Verdrag tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van de Nederlandse Antillen, en de Regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika inzake de uitwisseling van gegevens met betrekking tot belastingen


[Tekst geldig vanaf 04-11-2014]

Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands and the Government of the United States of America for the exchange of information with respect to taxes


The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in respect of Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands


the Government of the United States of America;

Considering that it is more important than ever not to allow the institutions in either jurisdiction to be used to further illicit financial activity of any kind and recognizing the critical importance of sharing information with one another to prevent abuse of their respective fiscal laws; and

Therefore, desiring to cooperate to prevent financial crimes and combat terrorism, including through sharing of information, and to conclude an Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to taxes (hereinafter referred to as the ``Agreement");

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1. Object and scope of the Agreement


The Contracting States shall assist each other to assure the accurate assessment and collection of taxes, to prevent fiscal fraud and evasion, and to develop improved information sources for tax matters. The Contracting States shall provide assistance through exchange of information authorized pursuant to Article 4 and such related measures as may be agreed upon by the competent authorities pursuant to Article 5.


Information shall be exchanged to fulfill the purpose of this Agreement without regard to whether the person to whom the information relates is, or whether the information is held by, a resident or national of a Contracting State, provided that the information is present within the territory, or in the possession or control of a person subject to the jurisdiction, of the requested State.


As regards the Kingdom of the Netherlands, this Agreement shall apply only to Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean part of the Netherlands.

Article 2. Taxes covered by the Agreement

Article 3. Definitions

Article 4. Exchange of information

Article 5. Mutual agreement procedure

Article 6. Costs

Article 7. Implementation

Article 8. Entry into force

Article 9. Termination

Verdrag tussen de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, ten behoeve van Curaçao, Sint Maarten en het Caribische deel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, en de Regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika inzake de uitwisseling van gegevens met betrekking tot belastingen


Artikel 1. Voorwerp en reikwijdte van het Verdrag

Artikel 2. Belastingen waarop het Verdrag van toepassing is

Artikel 3. Begripsomschrijvingen

Artikel 4. Uitwisseling van informatie

Artikel 5. Procedure voor onderlinge overeenstemming

Artikel 6. Kosten

Artikel 7. Implementatie

Artikel 8. Inwerkingtreding

Artikel 9. Beëindiging