
Europees Handvest inzake lokale autonomie

Geldig vanaf 1 juli 1991
Geldig vanaf 1 juli 1991

Europees Handvest inzake lokale autonomie


[Tekst geldig vanaf 01-07-1991]

European Charter of local self-government



The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto,

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage;

Considering that one of the methods by which this aim is to be achieved is through agreements in the administrative field;

Considering that the local authorities are one of the main foundations of any democratic regime;

Considering that the right of citizens to participate in the conduct of public affairs is one of the democratic principles that are shared by all member States of the Council of Europe;

Convinced that it is at local level that this right can be most directly exercised;

Convinced that the existence of local authorities with real responsibilities can provide an administration which is both effective and close to the citizen;

Aware that the safeguarding and reinforcement of local self-government in the different European countries is an important contribution to the construction of a Europe based on the principles of democracy and the decentralisation of power;

Asserting that this entails the existence of local authorities endowed with democratically constituted decision-making bodies and possessing a wide degree of autonomy with regard to their responsibilities, the ways and means by which those responsibilities are exercised and the resources required for their fulfilment,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties undertake to consider themselves bound by the following articles in the manner and to the extent prescribed in Article 12 of this Charter.


Article 2. Constitutional and legal foundation for local self-government

Article 3. Concept of local self-government

Article 4. Scope of local self-government

Article 5. Protection of local authority boundaries

Article 6. Appropriate administrative structures and resources for the tasks of local authorities

Article 7. Conditions under which responsibilities at local level are exercised

Article 8. Administrative supervision of local authorities' activities

Article 9. Financial resources of local authorities

Article 10. Local authorities' right to associate

Article 11. Legal protection of local self-government

PART II. Miscellaneous provisions

Article 12. Undertakings

Article 13. Authorities to which the Charter applies

Article 14. Provision of information


Article 15. Signature, ratification and entry into force

Article 16. Territorial clause

Article 17. Denunciation

Article 18. Notifications

Europees Handvest inzake lokale autonomie


Artikel 1


Artikel 2. Grondwettelijke en wettelijke grondslag voor lokale autonomie

Artikel 3. Het begrip lokale autonomie

Artikel 4. Reikwijdte van de lokale autonomie

Artikel 5. Bescherming van de territoriale grenzen van de lokale autoriteiten

Artikel 6. Passende administratieve structuren en middelen ten behoeve van lokale autoriteiten

Artikel 7. Voorwaarden waaronder verantwoordelijkheden op lokaal niveau uitgeoefend worden

Artikel 8. Administratief toezicht op de activiteiten van de lokale autoriteiten

Artikel 9. Financiële middelen van lokale overheden

Artikel 10. Het recht van de lokale autoriteiten zich te organiseren

Artikel 11. Wettelijke bescherming van lokale autonomie

DEEL II. Diverse bepalingen

Artikel 12. Verplichtingen

Artikel 13. Autoriteiten waarop dit Handvest van toepassing is

Artikel 14. Verschaffing van informatie


Artikel 15. Ondertekening, bekrachtiging en inwerkingtreding

Artikel 16. Bepalingen betreffende de territoriale toepassing

Artikel 17. Opzegging

Artikel 18. Kennisgevingen