
Hoge Raad, 20-12-2019, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:2007, 19/00135 (Engels)

Hoge Raad, 20-12-2019, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:2007, 19/00135 (Engels)


Hoge Raad
Datum uitspraak
20 december 2019
Datum publicatie
13 januari 2020
19/00135 (Engels)


Climate case Urgenda. Human rights. ECHR. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Judicial order to the Dutch State to take measures against climate change. Scope of protection Art. 2 and 8 ECHR; positive obligations. Effective remedy Art. 13 ECHR. Partial responsibility states. Art. 3:305a Dutch civil code (collective action) and Art. 34 ECHR. Target of 25-40% reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases and the necessity of this target. International support for this target. Is the Netherlands bound by this target? Responsible policy and the substantiation thereof. Inadmissible order to enact legislation? Political domain.

Disclaimer: The translation of this judgment is solely intended to provide information. The text of the translation is an unofficial translation. The Dutch text of the judgment is the only authentic and formal text.




Number 19/00135

Date 20 December 2019


In the matter between:


seated in The Hague,

CLAIMANT in cassation,

referred to hereinafter as: ‘the State’,

counsel: attorneys K. Teuben, M.W. Scheltema and J.W.H. van Wijk,



having its office in Amsterdam,

RESPONDENT in cassation,

referred to hereinafter as: 'Urgenda',

counsel: attorney F.E. Vermeulen.

Summary of the Decision

The issue in this case is whether the Dutch State is obliged to reduce, by the end of 2020, the emission of greenhouse gases originating from Dutch soil by at least 25% compared to 1990, and whether the courts can order the State to do so.

Urgenda's claim and the opinions of the District Court and the Court of Appeal

Urgenda sought a court order directing the State to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases so that, by the end of 2020, those emissions will have been reduced by 40%, or in any case at by at least 25%, compared to 1990.

In 2015, the District Court allowed Urgenda's claim, in the sense that the State was ordered to reduce emissions by the end of 2020 by at least 25% compared to 1990.

In 2018, the Court of Appeal confirmed the District Court's judgment.

Appeal in cassation

The State instituted an appeal in cassation in respect of the Court of Appeal's decision, asserting a large number of objections to that decision.

The deputy Procurator General and the Advocate General advised the Supreme Court to reject the State's appeal and thus to allow the Court of Appeal's decision to stand.

Opinion of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court concludes that the State's appeal in cassation must be rejected. That means that the order which the District Court issued to the State and which was confirmed by the Court of Appeal, directing the State to reduce greenhouse gases by the end of 2020 by at least 25% compared to 1990, will stand as a final order.

The Supreme Court's opinion rests on the facts and assumptions which were established by the Court of Appeal and which were not disputed by the State or Urgenda in cassation. In cassation, the Supreme Court determines whether the Court of Appeal properly applied the law and whether, based on the facts that may be taken into consideration, the Court of Appeal's opinion is comprehensible and adequately substantiated.

The grounds for the Supreme Court's judgment are laid down below in sections 4-8 of the judgment. These grounds will be summarised below. This summary does not supersede the grounds for this judgment and does not fully reflect the Supreme Court's opinion.

Dangerous climate change

(see paras. 4.1-4.8, below)

Urgenda and the State both endorse the view of climate science that a genuine threat exists that the climate will undergo a dangerous change in the coming decades. There is a great deal of agreement on the presence of that threat in climate science and the international community. In that respect and briefly put, this comes down to the following.

The emission of greenhouse gases, including CO2, is leading to a higher concentration of those gases in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases retain the heat radiated by the earth. Because over the last century and a half since the start of the industrial revolution, an ever-increasing volume of greenhouse gases is being emitted, the earth is becoming warmer and warmer. In that period, the earth has warmed by approximately 1.1oC, the largest part of which (0.7oC) has occurred in the last forty years. Climate science and the international community largely agree on the premise that the warming of the earth must be limited to no more than 2oC, and according to more recent insights to no more than 1.5oC. The warming of the earth beyond that temperature limit may have extremely dire consequences, such as extreme heat, extreme drought, extreme precipitation, a disruption of ecosystems that could jeopardise the food supply, among other things, and a rise in the sea level resulting from the melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps. That warming may also result in tipping points, as a result of which the climate on earth or in particular regions of earth changes abruptly and comprehensively. All of this will jeopardise the lives, welfare and living environment of many people all over the world, including in the Netherlands. Some of these consequences are already happening right now.

Protection of human rights based on the ECHR

(see paras. 5.2.1-5.5.3, below)

The European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) requires the states which are parties to the convention to protect the rights and freedoms established in the convention for their inhabitants. Article 2 ECHR protects the right to life, and Article 8 ECHR protects the right to respect for private and family life. According to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), a contracting state is obliged by these provisions to take suitable measures if a real and immediate risk to people's lives or welfare exists and the state is aware of that risk.

The obligation to take suitable measures also applies when it comes to environmental hazards that threaten large groups or the population as a whole, even if the hazards will only materialise over the long term. While Articles 2 and 8 ECHR are not permitted to result in an impossible or disproportionate burden being imposed on a state, those provisions do oblige the state to take measures that are actually suitable to avert the imminent hazard as much as reasonably possible. Pursuant to Article 13 ECHR, national law must offer an effective legal remedy against a violation or imminent violation of the rights that are safeguarded by the ECHR. This means that the national courts must be able to provide effective legal protection.

Global problem and national responsibility

(see paras. 5.6.1-5.8, below)

The risk of dangerous climate change is global in nature: greenhouse gases are emitted not just from Dutch territory, but around the world. The consequences of those emissions are also experienced around the world.

The Netherlands is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The objective of that convention is to keep the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a level at which a disruption of the climate system through human action can be prevented. The UNFCCC is based on the premise that all member countries must take measures to prevent climate change, in accordance with their specific responsibilities and options.

Each country is thus responsible for its own share. That means that a country cannot escape its own share of the responsibility to take measures by arguing that compared to the rest of the world, its own emissions are relatively limited in scope and that a reduction of its own emissions would have very little impact on a global scale. The State is therefore obliged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its territory in proportion to its share of the responsibility. This obligation of the State to do 'its part' is based on Articles 2 and 8 ECHR, because there is a grave risk that dangerous climate change will occur that will endanger the lives and welfare of many people in the Netherlands.

What, specifically, does the State's obligation to do 'its part' entail?

(see paras. 6.1-7.3.6, below)

When giving substance to the positive obligations imposed on the State pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 ECHR, one must take into account broadly supported scientific insights and internationally accepted standards. Important in this respect are, among other things, the reports from the IPCC. The IPCC is a scientific body and intergovernmental organisation that was set up in the context of the United Nations to handle climatological studies and developments. The IPCC's 2007 report contained a scenario in which the warming of the earth could reasonably be expected to be limited to a maximum of 2oC. In order to achieve this target, the Annex I countries (these being the developed countries, including the Netherlands) would have to reduce their emissions in 2020 by 25-40%, and in 2050 by 80-95%, compared to 1990.

At the annual climate conferences held in the context of the UNFCCC since 2007, virtually every country has regularly pointed out the necessity of acting in accordance with the scenario of the IPCC and achieving a 25-40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. The scientifically supported necessity of reducing emissions by 30% in 2020 compared to 1990 has been expressed on multiple occasions by and in the EU.

Furthermore, since 2007, a broadly supported insight has arisen that, to be safe, the warming of the earth must remain limited to 1.5oC, rather than 2oC. The Paris Agreement of 2015 therefore expressly states that the states must strive to limit warming to 1.5oC. That will require an even greater emissions reduction than was previously assumed.

All in all, there is a great degree of consensus on the urgent necessity for the Annex I countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25-40% in 2020. The consensus on this target must be taken into consideration when interpreting and applying Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. The urgent necessity for a reduction of 25-40% in 2020 also applies to the Netherlands on an individual basis.

The policy of the State

(see paras. 7.4.1-7.5.3, below)

The State and Urgenda are both of the opinion that it is necessary to limit the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in order to in order to achieve either the 2oC target or the 1.5oC target. Their views differ, however, with regard to the speed at which greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced.

Until 2011, the State's policy was aimed at achieving an emissions reduction in 2020 of 30% compared to 1990. According to the State, that was necessary to stay on a credible pathway to keep the 2oC target within reach.

After 2011, however, the State's reduction target for 2020 was lowered from a 30% reduction by the Netherlands to a 20% reduction in an EU context. After the reduction in 2020, the State intends to accelerate the reduction to 49% in 2030 and 95% in 2050. Those targets for 2030 and 2050 have since been laid down in the Dutch Climate Act. The State has not explained, however, that – and why – a reduction of just 20% in 2020 is considered responsible in an EU context, in contrast to the 25-40% reduction in 2020, which is internationally broadly supported and is considered necessary.

There is a broad consensus within climate science and the international community that the longer reduction measures to achieve the envisaged final target are postponed, the more comprehensive and more expensive they will become. Postponement also creates a greater risk of an abrupt climate change occurring as the result of a tipping point being reached. In light of that generally endorsed insight, it was up to the State to explain that the proposed acceleration of the reduction after 2020 would be feasible and sufficiently effective to meet the targets for 2030 and 2050, and thus to keep the 2oC target and the 1.5oC target within reach. The State did not do this, however.

The Court of Appeal was thus entitled to rule that the State must comply with the target, considered necessary by the international community, of a reduction by at least 25% in 2020.

The courts and the political domain

(see paras. 8.1-8.3.5, below)

The State has asserted that it is not for the courts to undertake the political considerations necessary for a decision on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

In the Dutch system of government, the decision-making on greenhouse gas emissions belongs to the government and parliament. They have a large degree of discretion to make the political considerations that are necessary in this regard. It is up to the courts to decide whether, in taking their decisions, the government and parliament have remained within the limits of the law by which they are bound. Those limits ensue from the ECHR, among other things. The Dutch Constitution requires the Dutch courts to apply the provisions of this convention, and they must do so in accordance with the ECtHR's interpretation of these provisions. This mandate to the courts to offer legal protection, even against the government, is an essential component of a democratic state under the rule of law.

The Court of Appeal's judgment is consistent with the foregoing, as the Court of Appeal held that the State's policy regarding greenhouse gas reduction is obviously not meeting the requirements pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 ECHR to take suitable measures to protect the residents of the Netherlands from dangerous climate change. Furthermore, the order which the Court of Appeal issued to the State was limited to the lower limit (25%) of the internationally endorsed, minimum necessary reduction of 25-40% in 2020.

The order that was issued leaves it up to the State to determine which specific measures it will take to comply with that order. If legislative measures are required to achieve such compliance, it is up to the State to determine which specific legislation is desirable and necessary.


In short, the essence of the Supreme Court's judgment is that the order which the District Court issued to the State and which was confirmed by the Court of Appeal, directing the State to reduce greenhouse gases by the end of 2020 by at least 25% compared to 1990, will be allowed to stand. Pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 ECHR, the Court of Appeal can and may conclude that the State is obliged to achieve that reduction, due to the risk of dangerous climate change that could have a severe impact on the lives and welfare of the residents of the Netherlands.

Table of contents

1. Course of the proceedings

2. Assumptions and facts (2.1-2.3.2)

(a) Facts (2.1)

(b) Urgenda's claim and the State's defence (2.2.1-2.2.3)

(c) Opinion of the District Court (2.3.1)

(d) Opinion of the Court of Appeal (2.3.2)

3. The State's complaints in cassation; the manner of addressing those complaints (3.1-3.6)

4. Assumptions regarding the danger and consequences of climate change (4.1-4.8)

5. Do Articles 2 and 8 ECHR oblige the State to take measures? (5.1-5.10)

(a) The meaning of Articles 1, 2 and 8 ECHR; positive treaty obligations (5.2.1-5.3.4)

(b) Interpretation standards for the ECHR; ‘common ground’ (5.4.1-5.4.3)

(c) Article 13 ECHR (5.5.1-5.5.3)

(d) Do Articles 2 and 8 ECHR apply to the global problem of the danger of climate change? (5.6.1-5.6.4)

(e) Joint responsibility of the states and partial responsibility of individual states (5.7.1-5.8)

(f) Can this obligation pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 ECHR also be relied upon in a case involving a claim pursuant to Article 3:305a DCC? (5.9.1-5.9.3)

(g) Assessment of the complaints in cassation (5.10)

6. Assumptions in answering the question of what specific obligation on the part of the State results from the foregoing (6.1-6.6)

7. The 25-40% target for Annex I countries (7.1-7.6.2)

(a) The degree of international consensus regarding the 25-40% target (7.2.1-7.2.11)

(b) The 25-40% target for the Netherlands individually (7.3.1-7.3.6)

(c) The State's policy regarding measures to counter climate change (7.4.1-7.4.6)

(d) Must the State adhere to the 25-40% target? (7.5.1-7.5.3)

(e) Assessment of the complaints in cassation (7.6.1-7.6.2)

8. Permissibility of the order issued; political domain (8.1-8.4)

(a) Order to legislate (8.2.1-8.2.7)

(b) Political domain (8.3.1-8.3.5)

(c) Assessment of the complaints in cassation (8.4)

9. Decision

Appendix: list of abbreviations used

1 Course of the proceedings

For the course of the proceedings in the fact-finding instances, the Supreme Court refers to:

  1. the judgment in case C/09/456689/HA ZA 13-1396 rendered by The Hague District Court on 24 June 2015, ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2015:7145;

  2. the judgment in case 200.178.245/01 rendered by The Hague Court of Appeal on 9 October 2018, ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2018:2591.

The State has instituted an appeal in cassation against the judgment of the Court of Appeal. Urgenda has submitted a statement of defence seeking dismissal of the appeal in cassation.

The case for the State was argued orally and in writing by its counsel, with the oral arguments being handled in part by attorney E.H.P. Brans, who practises law in The Hague. The case for Urgenda was argued orally by its counsel, with the oral arguments being handled in part by attorney J.M. van den Berg, who practises law in Amsterdam. The State's counsel submitted a reply, and Urgenda's counsel submitted a rejoinder.

The State objected to the size of Urgenda's rejoinder. The Supreme Court sees no reason in this case to set the rejoinder aside. The rejoinder does not contain any elements that are new to the debate between the parties, and largely comprises the partial repetition and elaboration of the arguments Urgenda made previously in its statement of defence in cassation. In that statement of defence, and prior to the oral and written arguments, Urgenda extensively discussed the complaints in cassation, which the cassation procedural rules do not require it to do in a case that originates with a claim. The written arguments and the State's memorandum of oral arguments provide a partial response to that statement of defence. Given all of this, adequate justice has been done to the parties' right to be heard and the scope of the rejoinder does not cause an imbalance in the debate.

The Opinion of deputy Procurator General F.F. Langemeijer and Advocate General M.H. Wissink is that the appeal in cassation must be rejected.

The State's counsel submitted a written response to that Opinion.

2 Assumptions and facts

(a) Facts


In this case, according to para. 2 of the Court of Appeal's judgment, the facts established by the District Court's in paras. 2.1-2.78 of its judgment,1 as well as the facts established by the Court of Appeal in paras. 3.1-3.26 and 44 of its judgment can be taken as a starting point.2 The parties do not dispute these facts in cassation. The Supreme Court will therefore base its judgment on those facts (Article 419(3) DCCP). The most relevant of these are the following.

Climate change and its consequences


Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, mankind has consumed energy on a large scale. This energy has predominantly been generated by the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This releases carbon dioxide. This compound of carbon and oxygen is referred to by its chemical formula: CO2. Part of the CO2 that is released is emitted into the atmosphere, where it remains for hundreds of years or more and is partly absorbed by the ecosystems in forests and oceans. This absorption capacity is dropping continuously due to deforestation and the warming of the sea water.


CO2 is the most significant greenhouse gas and, in tandem with other greenhouse gases, it retains the heat radiated by our planet in the atmosphere. This is called the 'greenhouse effect'. The greenhouse effect increases as more CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, which in turn exacerbates global warming. The climate is slow to respond to the emission of greenhouse gases: the full warming effect of the greenhouse gases being emitted today will not be felt for another thirty to forty years. Other greenhouse gases include methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases.


Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are expressed in parts per million (hereinafter: ppm). The term ‘ppm CO2 equivalent’ is used to express the total concentration of all greenhouse gases, in which respect the concentration of all of the other, non-CO2 greenhouse gases is converted into CO2 equivalents based on the warming effect.


There is a direct, linear connection between the greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans, which are partly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and the warming of the planet. The planet is already approximately 1.1°C warmer than it was at the start of the industrial revolution. The Court of Appeal assumed that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stood at 401 ppm at the time it rendered its judgment. In recent decades, worldwide emissions of CO2 have increased by 2% annually.


The rise in the planet's temperature can be prevented or reduced by ensuring that fewer greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere. This is referred to as ‘mitigation’. Measures can also be taken to anticipate the effects of climate change, such as raising dikes in low-lying areas. The taking of such measures is referred to as ‘adaptation’.


There has long been a consensus in climate science – the science that studies climate and climate change – and in the international community that the average temperature on earth may not rise by more than 2°C compared to the average temperature in the pre-industrial era. According to climate scientists, if the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has not risen above 450 ppm by the year 2100, there is a reasonable chance that this objective (hereinafter: “the two-degree target”) will be achieved. In recent years, new insights have shown that the temperature can only safely rise by no more than 1.5°C, which translates into a greenhouse gas concentration level of no more than 430 ppm in the year 2100.


When viewed in light of the maximum concentration level of 430 or 450 ppm in the year 2100 and the current concentration level of greenhouse gases (401 ppm), it is clear that the world has very little leeway left when it comes to the emission of greenhouse gases. The total worldwide leeway that now remains for emitting greenhouse gases is referred to as the 'carbon budget'. In the meantime, the chance that the warming of the earth can be limited to a maximum temperature increase of 1.5oC has become extremely slim.


If the earth warms by substantially more than 2°C compared to the pre-industrial era, this would cause, inter alia: flooding as a result of sea level rise; heat stress as a result of more intense and longer-lasting heat waves, increases in respiratory ailments associated with deteriorating air quality resulting from periods of drought (with severe forest fires), increased spread of infectious diseases, severe flooding as a result of torrential rainfall, and disruptions of the production of food and the supply of drinking water. Ecosystems, flora and fauna will be eroded and there will be a loss of biodiversity. An inadequate climate policy will, in the second half of this century, result in hundreds of thousands of victims in Western Europe alone.


It is not just the consequences that become more severe as global warming progresses. The accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere may cause the climate change process to reach a tipping point, which may result in abrupt climate change, for which neither mankind nor nature can properly prepare. The risk of reaching such a tipping point increases at a steepening rate upon a rise in temperature of between 1°C and 2°C.

The IPCC reports


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created in 1988 under the auspices of the United Nations by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The IPCC's objective is to obtain insight into all aspects of climate change through scientific research. The IPCC does not conduct research itself, but studies and assesses, inter alia, the most recent scientific and technological information that becomes available around the world. The IPCC is not just a scientific organisation, but an intergovernmental organisation as well. It has 195 members, including the Netherlands. Since its inception, the IPCC has published five Assessment Reports and accompanying sub-reports about the state of climate science and climatological developments. Particularly relevant to these proceedings are the fourth report from 2007 and the fifth report from 2013-2014.


The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report (hereinafter: AR4) from 2004 indicates that a temperature increase of 2°C above the level of the pre-industrial era entails the risk of a dangerous, irreversible change in the climate. After an analysis of various reduction scenarios, this report states that to be able to achieve a maximum volume of 450 ppm in the year 2100, the emissions of greenhouse gases by the countries listed in Annex I to the UNFCCC (including the Netherlands) must be 25% to 40% lower in the year 2020 than they were in the year 1990.


The IPCC published its Fifth Assessment Report in 2013-2014 (hereinafter: AR5). This report established, inter alia, that the planet is warming as a result of the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and that this is being caused by human activities, in particular by the burning of oil, gas and coal and by deforestation. In AR5, the IPCC concluded that if the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stabilises at around 450 ppm in the year 2100, the chance that the global temperature increase would remain under 2°C was “likely”, that is, higher than 66%. In 87% of the scenarios for achieving this target detailed in AR5, assumptions are made regarding 'negative emissions': in other words, the extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere.

The UNFCCC and the climate conferences

(13) The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was ratified in 1992.3 The purpose of this convention is to promote the stabilisation of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level at which would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference (i.e.: interference caused by humans) with the climate system. The parties to the UNFCCC are referred to as Annex I countries and non-Annex I countries. The Annex I countries are the developed countries, including the Netherlands. According to Article 4(2) of the convention, the Annex I countries must take the lead, in an international context, in counteracting climate change and its negative consequences. They have committed themselves to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They must periodically report on the measures they have taken. The objective is to return the level of emissions to the level in 1990.


Article 7 UNFCCC provides for the Conference of the Parties (hereinafter: “COP”). The COP is the highest decision-making body within the UNFCCC. Resolutions passed by the COP are generally not legally binding. The COP meets annually at climate conferences.


At the climate conference in Kyoto in 1997 (COP-3), the Kyoto Protocol was agreed upon between a number of Annex I countries, including the Netherlands. This protocol records the reduction targets for the period 2008-2012. According this protocol, the then-Member States of the EU were obliged to achieve a reduction target of 8% compared to 1990.


The Bali Action Plan was adopted at the climate conference in Bali in 2007 (COP-13). The Bali Action Plan, citing the AR4 referred to in (11), above, acknowledged the need for drastic emissions reductions. This reference regards, inter alia, the part of AR4 which states that if the Annex I countries wish to achieve the 450 ppm scenario by the year 2100, they would have to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases by 2020 by 25-40% compared to 1990.


No agreement could be reached at the climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009 (COP-15) regarding a successor to, or an extension of, the Kyoto Protocol.


At the next climate conference in Cancún in 2010 (COP-16), the parties involved acknowledged in the Cancún Agreements the long-term target of maximising the rise in temperature at 2°C compared to the average temperature in the pre-industrial era – along with the possibility of a more stringent target of a maximum of 1.5°C. In the preamble they refer to the urgency of a major reduction in admissions.


In Cancún, the parties to the Kyoto Protocol stated that the Annex I countries had to continue to take the lead in counteracting climate change and that, given AR4, this “would require Annex I Parties as a group to reduce emissions in a range of 25-40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020”. The parties to the Kyoto Protocol have urged the Annex I countries to raise their level of ambition in relation to the commitments they already made, with a view to the 25-40% range referred to in AR4. In the 'Cancun Pledges', the EU countries as a group declared themselves prepared to achieve a 20% reduction by 2020 compared to 1990, and offered to achieve a 30% reduction on the condition that other countries were to undertake the achievement of similar reduction targets.


At the climate conference in Doha in 2012 (COP-18), all Annex I countries were called on to raise their reduction targets to at least 25-40% in 2020. An amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, in which the EU committed to a reduction of 20% in 2020 compared to 1990, and offered to reduce emissions by 30% if other countries were to undertake the achievement of similar reduction targets. This condition was not met. The Doha Amendment did not enter into force.

The Paris Agreement

(21) The Paris Agreement was concluded at the climate conference in Paris in 2015 (COP-21).4 This convention calls on each contracting state to account for its own responsibilities. The convention stipulates that global warming must be kept “well below 2°C” as compared to the average pre-industrial levels, striving to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. The parties must prepare ambitious national climate plans and of which the level of ambition must increase with each new plan.

The UNEP reports of 2013 and 2017


Since 2010, UNEP (referred to in (10), above) has been reporting annually on the difference between the desired emissions level and the reduction targets to which the parties have committed: this is referred to as the 'emissions gap'. In the 2013 annual report, UNEP noted, for the third time running, that the contracting states' commitments were falling short and greenhouse gases emissions were increasing rather than decreasing. UNEP also notes that the Annex I countries fail to meet their joint emissions targets to achieve a 25-40% reduction in 2020, as laid down in the AR4 referred to above in (11). UNEP concludes that it is becoming increasingly improbable that emissions will be low enough in 2020 to achieve the 2°C target at the lowest possible cost. Although later reduction actions could ultimately lead to the same temperature targets, according to UNEP these would be more difficult, costlier and riskier.


UNEP's 2017 annual report states that, in light of the Paris Agreement, an enhanced pre-2020 mitigation action is more urgent than ever. UNEP notes that if the emissions gap that has been observed is not bridged by 2030, then it will be extremely improbable that the 2°C target can still be achieved. This was why, according to UNEP, the targets for 2020 need to be more ambitious.

European climate policy


Article 191 TFEU sets out the EU's environmental targets. The EU formulated directives to implement its environmental policy. The ETS Directive is one of these. 'ETS' stands for 'Emissions Trading System'. This system entails that companies in the ETS sector may only emit greenhouse gases in exchange for the surrender of emissions rights. These emissions rights may be bought, sold or retained. The total volume of greenhouse gases which ETS companies may emit in the period 2013-2020 decreases by 1.74% annually until, in 2020, a 21% reduction is achieved compared to the year 2005.


The Council determined that the EU must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% in 2020, 40% in 2030, and 80%-95% in 2050, measured in each case compared to emissions in 1990. Based on the Effort Sharing Decision5, it has been determined within the EU that the reduction target of 20% in 2020 for the non-ETS sector means that the Netherlands will have to achieve an emissions reduction of 16% compared to emissions in 2005.

(26) According to the expectations that existed when the Court of Appeal's judgment was rendered, the EU as a whole would achieve an actual emissions reduction in 2020 of 26-27% compared to 1990.

Dutch climate policy and the results of that policy

(27) Based on a 2007 programme entitled ‘Schoon en zuinig’ [English approximation: ‘Clean and economical’], the Netherlands was working from the premise of a 30% reduction target in 2020 compared to 1990. In a letter of 12 October 2009, the then-Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer - “VROM”) informed the Dutch House of Representatives about the Netherlands’ negotiation objective in the context of the climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009 (COP-15). This letter stated, inter alia:

“The total of emission reductions proposed by the developed countries so far is insufficient to achieve the 25%-40% reduction in 2020, which is necessary to stay on a credible track to keep the 2-degree target within reach.”


After 2011, the Dutch reduction target was adjusted to the EU-level reduction of 20% in 2020; in other words, for the Netherlands (a) a reduction of 16% in the non-ETS sector and 21% in the ETS sector, each time in comparison to emissions in 2005, and (b) a reduction of at least 40% in 2030, and 80-95% in 2050, in each case compared to 1990.


In the Government Agreement from 2017, the government announced that it would strive to achieve an emissions reduction of at least 49% in 2030 compared to 1990. According to the Government Agreement, the EU reduction target of 40% in 2030 was not sufficient to achieve the two-degree target, let alone the 1.5°C ambition laid down in the Paris Agreement.


Dutch CO2 emissions per capita of the population are relatively high compared to other industrialised countries. In terms of emissions, the Netherlands was ranked 34th out of 208 countries when the Court of Appeal rendered its judgment. Of the 33 countries with even higher emissions, only 9 had higher per capita emissions, none of which were EU Member States. Of the total volume of Dutch greenhouse gas emissions, 85% consists of CO2. Dutch CO2 emissions have barely decreased since 1990 and have even risen in recent years (up until the Court of Appeal's judgment). In the 2008-2012 period, the Netherlands achieved a 6.4% reduction in CO2-equivalent emissions. The reduction is attributable to greenhouse gases other than CO2. In that same period, the fifteen largest EU Member States achieved an emissions reduction of 11.8%, and the EU as a whole achieved a reduction of 19.2%. Moreover, 30-50% of the reduction in the 2008-2012 period was due to the economic crisis. Had this crisis not occurred, emissions for this period would have been substantially higher (and the reduction substantially lower).


When the Court of Appeal rendered its judgment, it was expected that the Netherlands would achieve a reduction of 23% in 2020, and taking into account a margin for uncertainty, of 19-27%. The District Court refers to a substantially lower expectation in its judgment. The difference is largely attributable to a new calculation method (which is more consistent with that used by the IPCC, but) as a result of which the theoretical reduction percentage is achieved earlier even though the situation is actually more serious. The difference can largely be explained by the fact that the emissions calculation in the base year of 1990 was retrospectively adjusted upwards.

(b) Urgenda's claim and the State's defence


Urgenda (‘Urgent Agenda’) is engaged in developing plans and measures to prevent climate change. Urgenda's legal form is that of a foundation under Dutch law (stichting). Its object according to its Articles is to stimulate and accelerate transition processes towards a more sustainable society, starting in the Netherlands.

Urgenda's view is that the State is doing too little to prevent dangerous climate change. In these proceedings, to the extent relevant in cassation, it is requesting an order instructing the State to limit the volume of greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands such that this volume would be reduced by 40% at the end of the year 2020, or at least by a minimum of 25%, compared to the volume in the year 1990. It institutes its claim pursuant to Article 3:305a DCC, which enables interest organisations to bring class action suits. It is pursuing its claim, to the extent relevant in cassation, on behalf of the interests of the current residents of the Netherlands (the inhabitants of the Netherlands) who are being threatened with dangerous climate change.


Urgenda has, briefly put, asserted the following grounds for its claims. The greenhouse gas emissions from the Netherlands are contributing to a dangerous change in the climate. The Netherlands’ share of worldwide emissions is excessive, speaking both absolutely and relatively (per capita of the population). This means that Dutch emissions, for which the State as a sovereign power has systemic responsibility, are unlawful, since they violate the due care which is part of the State's duty of care to those whose interests Urgenda represents (Article 6:162(2) DCC), as well as Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. Under both national and international law, the State is obliged, in order to prevent dangerous climate change, to ensure the reduction of the Dutch emissions level. This duty of care entails that, in 2020, the Netherlands must achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 25-40% compared to emissions in 1990, in accordance with the target referred to in AR4 (see para. 2.1(11), above). A reduction of this magnitude is necessary in order to maintain the prospect of achieving the 2°C target. This is also the most cost-effective option.


The defences asserted by the State include the following. The requirements of neither Article 3:296 DCC (court order) nor Article 6:162 DCC (unlawful act) have been met. There is no basis in either national or international law for a duty that legally requires the State to take measures in order to achieve the reduction target as sought. The target laid down in AR4 is not a legally binding standard. Articles 2 and 8 ECHR do not imply an obligation for State to take mitigating or other measures to counter climate change. Granting the reduction order being sought would also essentially come down to an impermissible order to create legislation and would contravene the political freedom accruing to the government and parliament and, thus, the system of separation of powers.

(c) Judgment of the District Court


The District Court ordered the State to limit the combined volume of Dutch annual greenhouse gas emissions, or cause them to be limited, so that this will have been reduced by at least 25% at the end of 2020 compared to the level of the year 1990. The District Court's findings on this point included the following.

The legal obligation of the State towards Urgenda cannot be derived from Article 21 of the Dutch Constitution, the 'no harm' principle, the UNFCCC with associated protocols, Article 191 TFEU, or the ETS Directive and Effort Sharing Decision based on Article 191 TFEU. (paras. 4.36-4.44 and 4.52)

Urgenda cannot be considered a direct or indirect victim as meant in Article 34 ECHR. Therefore, Urgenda cannot directly rely on Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. (para. 4.45)

The State may act unlawfully by violating its duty of care to prevent dangerous climate change. (paras. 4.52-4.53) The criteria laid down in the Kelderluik judgment6 are relevant to interpreting that duty of care, as are the provisions, principles and rules previously referred to by the District Court. (paras. 4.54 -4.63)

Given the severity of the impact from climate change and the significant chance that – unless mitigating measures are taken – dangerous climate change will occur, the State has a duty of care to take mitigating measures. This duty is not diminished by the fact that the Dutch contribution to the present global greenhouse gas emissions is currently quite minor. Given that at least the 450 ppm scenario is required to prevent hazardous climate change, the Netherlands should take measures to ensure that this scenario can be achieved. (paras. 4.64-4.83)

Postponing the mitigation as advocated by the State – a less stringent reduction between now and 2030 and a sharp reduction starting in 2030 – will in fact significantly contribute to the risk of dangerous climate change and therefore cannot be deemed a sufficient and acceptable alternative to the scientifically proven and acknowledged higher reduction path of 25-40% in 2020. (para. 4.85)

The State did not argue that a reduction order of 25-40% would result in an undue burden for the Netherlands. On the contrary: the State also argues that a higher reduction target is one of the possibilities. If the reduction is less than 25-40%, the State is failing to fulfil its duty of care and is therefore acting unlawfully. Imposing an obligation of higher than 25% is not allowable due to the State's discretionary power. (para. 4.86)

The reduction order sought by Urgenda does not constitute an order to the State to take certain legislative or policy-making measures. If the claim is allowed, the State will retain full discretion, which is pre-eminently vested in it, to determine how to comply with that order. (para. 4.101)

In a general sense, the aspects that relate to the trias politica do not preclude allowing the order being sought. The restraint which the court should exercise does not result in a further limitation than that ensuing from the State’s aforementioned discretionary power. (para. 4.102)

(d) Judgment of the Court of Appeal


The Court of Appeal confirmed the District Court's judgment. In so doing, the Court of Appeal held as follows.

Urgenda's standing

Dutch law determines who is permitted access to the Dutch courts, including, in the case of Urgenda in these proceedings, Article 3:305a DCC, which provides for class actions brought by interest groups. Since individuals who fall under the State’s jurisdiction may rely on Articles 2 and 8 ECHR, which have direct effect in the Netherlands, Urgenda may also do so on behalf of these individuals, pursuant to Article 3:305a DCC. (para. 36)

The parties do not dispute that Urgenda has standing to pursue its claim to the extent it is acting on behalf of the current generation of Dutch nationals against the emission of greenhouse gases in Dutch territory. It is entirely plausible that the current generation of Dutch nationals, in particular but not limited to the younger individuals in this group, will have to deal with the adverse effects of climate change in their lifetime if global emissions of greenhouse gases are not adequately reduced. (para. 37) Their interests lend themselves to consolidation as is required for instituting a claim pursuant to Article 3:305a DCC. (para. 38)

Articles 2 and 8 ECHR

The State has a positive obligation pursuant to Article 2 ECHR to protect the lives of citizens within its jurisdiction, while Article 8 ECHR obliges the State to protect their right to their home life and private life. This obligation applies to all activities, public and non-public, which could jeopardise the rights protected in these articles, and certainly in the face of industrial activities which by their very nature are dangerous. If the government knows that there is a real and imminent threat, the State must take precautionary measures to prevent infringement as far as possible. (paras. 39-43)

Genuine threat of dangerous climate change

The established facts and circumstances imply that there is a real threat of dangerous climate change, resulting in the serious risk that the current generation of Dutch inhabitants will be confronted with losing their lives or having their family lives disrupted. Articles 2 and 8 ECHR imply that the State has a duty to protect against this genuine threat. (paras. 44-45)

Is the State acting unlawfully by not reducing by at least 25% by the end of 2020?

The end goal is clear and is not disputed between the parties. By the year 2100, global greenhouse gas emissions must have ceased entirely. Nor do the parties hold differing opinions as to the required interim target of 80-95% reduction relative to 1990 by 2050, and Urgenda endorses the reduction target of 49% relative to 1990 by 2030, as established by the government. The dispute between the parties specifically concerns the question of whether the State can be required to achieve a reduction of at least 25% relative to 1990 by the end of 2020. (para. 46)

A significant effort will have to be made between now and 2030 to reach the 49% target in 2030; more efforts than the limited efforts the Netherlands has undertaken so far. It has also been established that it would be advisable to start the reduction efforts at as early a stage as possible to limit the total emissions in this period. Delaying the reduction will lead to greater risks for the climate. A delay would, after all, allow greenhouse gas emissions to continue in the meantime; greenhouse gases which would linger in the atmosphere for a very long time and further contribute to global warming. An even distribution of reduction efforts over the period up to 2030 would mean that the State should achieve a substantially higher reduction in 2020 than 20%. An even distribution is also the starting point of the State for its reduction target of 49% by 2030, which has been derived in a linear fashion from the 95% target for 2050. If extrapolated to the present, this would result in a 28% reduction by 2020, as confirmed by the State in answering the Court of Appeal’s questions.” (para. 47)

In AR4, the IPCC concluded that a concentration level not exceeding 450 ppm in 2100 is permissible to keep the two-degree target within reach. Following an analysis of the various reduction scenarios, the IPCC concluded that in order to reach this concentration level, the total greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 of Annex I countries, of which the Netherlands is one, must be 25-40% lower than 1990 levels. In AR5, the IPCC also assumed that a concentration level of 450 ppm may not be exceeded in order to achieve the two-degree target. (para. 48)

It is highly uncertain whether it will be possible – as AR5 assumes – to use certain technologies to extract CO₂ from the atmosphere. Given the current state of affairs, climate scenarios based on such technologies bear little resemblance to reality. AR5 might thus have painted too rosy a picture, and it cannot be assumed outright, as the State does, that the ‘multiple mitigation pathways’ listed by the IPCC in AR5 could, as a practical matter, lead to the achievement of the two-degree target. Furthermore, it is plausible that no reduction percentages as of 2020 were included in AR5, because, in 2014, the IPCC's focus was on targets for 2030. Therefore, the AR5 report does not give cause to assume that the reduction scenario laid down in AR4 has been superseded and that a reduction of less than 25-40% by 2020 would now be sufficient to achieve the two-degree target. In order to assess whether the State has met its duty of care, the Court of Appeal will take as a starting point that an emission reduction of 25-40% in 2020 is required to achieve the two-degree target. (para. 49)

The 450 ppm scenario and the related necessity to reduce CO2 emissions by 25-40% by 2020 are absolutely not overly pessimistic starting points to use as a basis for determining the State’s duty of care. It is not certain whether the two-degree target can be achieved with this scenario. Furthermore, climate science has now acknowledged that a temperature rise of 1.5oC is much more likely to be safe than a rise of 2oC. (para. 50)

The IPCC report which states that a reduction of 25-45% by the end of 2020 is needed to achieve the two-degree target (AR4) dates all the way back to 2007. Since that time, virtually all COPs (in Bali, Cancún, Durban, Doha and Warsaw) have referred to this 25-40% standard and Annex I countries have been urged to align their reduction targets accordingly. This may not have established a legal standard with a direct effect, but it does confirm the fact that a reduction of at least 25-40% in CO2 emissions is needed to prevent dangerous climate change. (para. 51)

Until 2011, the Netherlands assumed its own reduction target to be 30% in 2020. A letter dated 12 October 2009 from the Minister of VROM shows that the State itself was convinced that a scenario with a reduction of less than 25%-40% in 2020 would lack credibility to keep the two-degree target within reach. The Dutch reduction target for 2020 was subsequently adjusted downwards. But a substantiation based on climate science was never given, while it is an established fact that postponing reductions in the meantime will cause continued emissions of CO2, which in turn will contribute to further global warming. More specifically, the State failed to give reasons why a reduction of only 20% by 2020 (at the EU level) should currently be regarded as credible, for instance by presenting a scenario which proves how – in concert with the efforts of other countries – the currently proposed postponed reduction could still lead to achieving the two-degree target. The EU itself also deemed a reduction of 30% for 2030 necessary to prevent dangerous climate change. (para. 52)

The State's Defences

The State asserts that a 'waterbed effect' would result if the Netherlands takes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that fall within the scope of the ETS. Specifically, those measures would create leeway for other EU countries to emit more greenhouse gases. Therefore, according to the State, national measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of the ETS are pointless. This argument does not hold. Just like the Netherlands, other EU countries bear their own responsibility for reducing CO₂ emissions as much as possible. It cannot automatically be assumed that the other Member States will take less far-reaching measures than the Netherlands. On the contrary, compared to Member States such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden and France, Dutch reduction efforts are lagging far behind. (paras. 55 and 56)

The State also pointed out the risk of ‘carbon leakage’, which the State understands to be the risk that companies will move their production to other countries with less strict greenhouse gas reduction obligations. The State has failed to substantiate that this risk will actually occur if the Netherlands were to increase its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before the end of 2020. (para. 57)

The State has also argued that adaptation and mitigation are complementary strategies to limit the risks of climate change and that Urgenda has failed to appreciate the adaptation measures that the State has taken or will take. This argument also fails. Although it is true that the consequences of climate change can be cushioned by adaptation, it has not been made clear or plausible that the potentially disastrous consequences of excessive global warming can be adequately prevented with adaptation. So while it is certainly logical for the State also to take adaptation measures, this does not diminish its obligation to reduce CO2 emissions quicker than it has planned. (para. 59)

The State has furthermore argued that the emission reduction percentage of 25-40% in 2020 is intended for the Annex I countries as a whole, and that this percentage can therefore not be taken as a starting point for the emission reduction an individual Annex I country, such as the Netherlands, should achieve. The State has failed to provide substantiation for why a lower emission reduction percentage should apply to the Netherlands than to the Annex I countries as a whole. That is not obvious, considering a distribution in proportion to the per capita GDP, which inter alia has been taken as a starting point in the EU’s Effort Sharing Decision for distributing the EU emission reductions among the Member States. It can be assumed that the Netherlands has one of the highest per capita GDPs of the Annex I countries and the per capita GDP in any case is far above the average of those countries. That is also evident from Appendix II of the Effort Sharing Decision, in which the Netherlands is allocated a reduction percentage (16% relative to 2005) that is among the highest of the EU Member States. It is therefore reasonable to assume that what applies to the Annex I countries as a whole should at least also apply to the Netherlands. (para. 60)

The State has also asserted that Dutch greenhouse gas emissions, in absolute terms and compared with global emissions, are minimal, that the State cannot solve the problem on its own, that the worldwide community must cooperate. These arguments are not such that they warrant the absence of more ambitious, genuine action. The Court of Appeal, too, acknowledges that this is a global problem and that the State cannot solve this problem on its own. However, this does not release the State from its obligation to take measures in/on its territory, within its capabilities, which in concert with the efforts of other states provide protection from the hazards of dangerous climate change. (paras. 61 and 62)

The fact that full scientific certainty regarding the efficacy of the ordered reduction scenario is lacking does not mean, given the due observance of the precautionary principle, that the State is entitled to refrain from taking measures. The high degree of plausibility of that efficacy is sufficient. (para. 63)

The existence of a real risk of the danger for which measures have to be taken is sufficient to issue an order. It has been established that this is the case. Moreover, if the opinion of the State were to be followed, an effective legal remedy for a global problem as complex as this one would be lacking. After all, each state held accountable would then be able to argue that it does not have to take measures if other states do not do so either. That is a consequence that cannot be accepted, also because Urgenda does not have the option to summon all eligible states to appear in a Dutch court. (para. 64)

Regarding the plea of a lack of the required relativity as meant in Article 6:163 DCC, the Court of Appeal notes at the outset that these proceedings constitute an action for an order and not an action for damages. The standards that have been violated (Articles 2 and 8 ECHR) do seek to protect Urgenda (or those it represents). (para. 65)

The State argues that the system of the separation of powers should not be interfered with because it is not the courts, but the democratically legitimised government, that is the appropriate body to make the attendant policy choices. This argument is rejected in this case, also because the State violates human rights, which calls for the provision of measures, while at the same time the order to reduce emissions gives the State sufficient room to decide how it can comply with the order. (para. 67)

The District Court correctly held that Urgenda’s claim is not intended to create legislation, either by parliament or by lower government bodies, and that the State retains complete freedom to determine how it will comply with the order. The order also will in no way prescribe the substance which this legislation must have. For this reason alone, the order is not an ‘order to enact legislation’. Moreover, the State has failed to substantiate why compliance with the order can only be achieved through creating legislation by parliament or by lower government bodies. (para. 68)

Conclusion of the Court of Appeal

The foregoing implies that, up to now, the State has done too little to prevent dangerous climate change and is doing too little to catch up, at least in the short term (up to the end of 2020). Targets for 2030 and beyond do not diminish the fact that a dangerous situation is imminent which requires intervention right now. In addition to the risks in that context, the social costs also come into play. The later reduction actions are taken, the sooner the available carbon budget will be depleted, which in turn would require considerably more ambitious measures to be taken at a later stage, as is acknowledged by the State, to ultimately achieve the desired level of 95% reduction by 2050. (para. 71)

The State cannot hide behind the reduction target of 20% by 2020 at EU level. First of all, also the EU deems a greater reduction in 2020 necessary from a climate science perspective. In addition, the EU as a whole is expected to achieve a reduction of 26-27% in 2020; much higher than the agreed 20%. Also taken into consideration is the fact that, in the past, the Netherlands, as an Annex I country, acknowledged the severity of the climate situation time and again and, mainly based on climate scientific arguments, for years premised its policy on a reduction of 25-40% by 2020, with a concrete policy target of 30% by then. After 2011, this policy objective was adjusted downwards to 20% by 2020 at EU level, without any scientific substantiation and despite the fact that more and more was becoming known about the serious consequences of greenhouse gas emissions for global warming. (para. 72)

Based on this, the Court of Appeal held that the State was failing to fulfil its duty of care pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 ECHR by not wanting to reduce emissions by at least 25% by the end of 2020. A reduction of 25% should be considered a minimum, in connection with which recent insights about an even more ambitious reduction in connection with the 1.5°C target have not even been taken into consideration. There is a genuine chance that the reduction by 2020 will prove to be (substantially) lower than 25%. Such a margin of uncertainty is unacceptable. Since there also are clear indications that the current measures will be insufficient to prevent dangerous climate change, even leaving aside the question of whether the current policy will actually be implemented, measures have to be chosen, also in view of the precautionary principle, that are safe, or at least as safe as possible. The very serious dangers, not contested by the State, associated with a temperature rise of 2°C or 1.5°C – let alone higher – also preclude such a margin of uncertainty. (para. 73)

3. The State's complaints in cassation; the manner of addressing those complaints


The State has put forward nine grounds for cassation, each of which contains multiple complaints in cassation. Briefly put, the complaints assert the following.


Grounds for cassation 1 and 2 are aimed at the Court of Appeal's interpretation of Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. According to the State, there are various reasons why no protection can be derived from these provisions in this case, or at any rate the Court of Appeal failed to provide adequate grounds for its holding that such protection can indeed be derived. According to ground for cassation 1, the Court of Appeal also failed to recognise that the ECtHR leaves the national states a margin of appreciation in the application of these provisions.


Ground for cassation 3 asserts that the rights under Articles 2 and 8 ECHR do not lend themselves to being combined as is required in order to be able to institute a claim pursuant to Article 3:305a DCC. The Court of Appeal should therefore have dismissed Urgenda's claim for lack of standing to the extent it was based on Articles 2 and 8 ECHR. According to this ground for cassation, those provisions only guarantee individual rights and do not protect society as a whole.


Grounds for cassation 4-8 assert the following. The State is not legally bound to a reduction target of 25% in 2020. The State did not agree to this reduction target, nor is it an internationally accepted standard. The State is, however, bound in both an international and European context to a target of 20% in 2020 by the EU as a whole. The EU will easily surpass this percentage (specifically, by a reduction of between 26% and 27%).

The reduction target of 25% in 2020 is, moreover, not actually necessary to meeting the two-degree target. That necessity is not implied by the IPCC reports. The recommended extra reduction for the Netherlands in 2020 will have no measurable effect on the global rise in temperature.

Furthermore, the reduction target of 25% in 2020 was once proposed as an overall target for a group of wealthy countries as a whole (the Annex I countries, of which the Netherlands is one) and not as a target for an individual country like the Netherlands. The Netherlands cannot solve the global climate problem on its own. In addition, the 25% reduction target in 2020 has been superseded by AR5, as well as the distinction between Annex I countries and other countries.

The Court of Appeal either failed to recognise this or neglected to take it into proper account. Moreover, the Court of Appeal failed to appreciate that it is up to the State to determine which reduction pathway it follows. The Court of Appeal wrongfully impinged on the discretionary leeway to which the State is entitled.


In conclusion, ground for cassation 9 raises two issues. First, the State complains that the District Court order that was confirmed by the Court of Appeal was tantamount to an order to create legislation, which is impermissible under Supreme Court case law. This ground for cassation also asserts that the Court of Appeal failed to recognise that it is not for the courts to make the political considerations necessary for a decision on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


The substance of the aforementioned ground raises various issues. Those issues will be dealt with below, as follows. First, by way of an introduction, the danger and consequences of climate change established by the Court of Appeal will be discussed in more detail (see 4.1-4.8). Subsequently, an answer is provided to the question of whether, as the Court of Appeal held, Articles 2 and 8 ECHR oblige the State to take measures to counter that threat (see 5.1-5.8). Next is discussed which specific obligations on the part of the State that this may imply (see 6.1-6.6). Afterwards, it is discussed whether the State is bound by the 25-40% target stated in AR4, as the Court of Appeal found (see 7.1-7.5.3). Finally, the permissibility of the District Court order confirmed by the Court of Appeal will be discussed (see 8.1-8.35).

4 Assumptions regarding the danger and consequences of climate change


Given the widely accepted, on climate science derived insights established by the Court of Appeal which the parties do not dispute, the findings of fact regarding the danger and consequences of climate change are, briefly and in essence, the following.


The emission of greenhouse gases, which are the partial result of burning of fossil fuels and the resultant release of the greenhouse gas CO2, is leading to an ever-higher concentration of those gases in the atmosphere. This is warming the planet, which is resulting in a variety of hazardous consequences. This may result in local areas of extreme heat, extreme drought, extreme precipitation, or other extreme weather. It is also causing both glacial ice and the ice in and near the polar regions to melt, which is raising the sea level. Some of these consequences are already happening right now. That warming may also result in tipping points, as a result of which the climate on earth or in particular regions of earth changes abruptly and comprehensively. This will result in, among other things, the significant erosion of ecosystems which will, example, jeopardise the food supply, result in the loss of territory and habitable areas, endanger health, and cost human lives.


Climate science long ago reached a high degree of consensus that the warming of the earth must be limited to no more than 2°C and that this means that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must remain limited to a maximum of 450 ppm. Climate science has since arrived at the insight that a safe warming of the earth must not exceed 1.5°C and that this means that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must remain limited to a maximum of 430 ppm. Exceeding these concentrations would involve a serious degree of danger that the consequences referred to in 4.2 will materialise on a large scale. Below, for brevity's sake, the materialisation of this danger will be referred to below as 'dangerous climate change', as it was in the Court of Appeal's judgment.


If the emission of greenhouse gases is not sufficiently reduced, the possibility that dangerous climate change will materialise in the foreseeable future cannot be excluded. According to the AR5 “Synthesis Report” AR5, which the IPCC published in 2014 as part of the AR5 report referred to above in para. 2.1(12), there is a danger that the tipping points referred to above in para. 4.2 will occur at a steepening rate once there is a warming between 1°C and 2°C.


As is clear from the facts stated above in para. 2.1 in (13) et seq., this has been recognised at international level. The UNFCCC, which was concluded in 1992, states that its objective is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Since then, annual climate conferences have been held by the COP, the highest body under that convention, which comprises representatives of the contracting states. At each of those conferences, the point is emphasised that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is urgent and the contracting states are called on to make that reduction a reality. At several conferences, specific agreements have also been made about that reduction. The insight referred to above in para. 4.3 – that the warming of the earth must remain limited to a maximum of 2°C and that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must be limited to a maximum of 450 ppm in order to prevent dangerous climate change – has been endorsed by the IPCC and the COP. The insight that a safe warming is limited to a maximum of 1.5°C, and that this means that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must be limited to a maximum of 430 ppm, was included in the Paris Agreement of 2015, which was based on the UNFCCC and which was signed by more than 190 countries, including the Netherlands.


The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is becoming ever more urgent. Every emission of greenhouse gases leads to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and thus contributes to reaching the critical limits of 450 ppm and 430 ppm. In any case, the limited remaining carbon budget (see above in para. 2.1(7)) means that each postponement of a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions will require a future reduction to be more stringent in order to stay within the confines of the remaining carbon budget.

In its annual reports, the UNEP reports on the emissions gap, which is the difference between emissions based on the emissions-reduction target which countries reported to the UN – in which respect the assumption is that these targets have been achieved – and the desired emissions (see above in para. 2.1(22)). The 2017 UNEP report states that, in light of the Paris Agreement, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent than ever. The UNEP also remarks that if the emissions gap is not bridged by 2030, achieving the target of a maximum warming of 2°C is extremely unlikely.


Based on the aforementioned facts, the Court of Appeal concluded, quite understandably, in para. 45 that there was “a real threat of dangerous climate change, resulting in the serious risk that the current generation of citizens will be confronted with loss of life and/or a disruption of family life”. The Court of Appeal also held, in para. 37, that it was "clearly plausible that the current generation of Dutch nationals, in particular but not limited to the younger individuals in this group, will have to deal with the adverse effects of climate change in their lifetime if global emissions of greenhouse gases are not adequately reduced."


The Netherlands is a party to the UNFCCC and to the Paris Agreement, and the State acknowledges the facts stated above. The State does not challenge the Court of Appeal's conclusion, as referred to above in para. 4.7, and acknowledges the urgent need to take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The State also does not dispute that it is required to contribute to that emissions reduction. What the State does challenge is that Articles 2 and 8 ECHR oblige it to take these measures, as the Court of Appeal held, and that it is obliged based on those provisions to ensure that the volume of greenhouse gases being emitted at the end of 2020 is 25% less than it was in 1990.

5 Do Articles 2 and 8 ECHR oblige the State to take measures?

7 The 25-40% target for Annex I countries

8 Permissibility of the order issued; political domain

9 Decision